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friends swipe. you match. blindmate logo friends swipe. you match. yay, another dating app
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4.6 stars out of 5 get it on google play store 4.8 stars out of 5 get it on app store
“Dating apps are supposed to bring us together. So – why do we swipe alone all the time?” Anna, co-founder of blindmate

On blindmate, you don’t swipe alone. Instead, your friends swipe for you as your matchmakers.

5 starts » Simply the best dating app! « Marisa Fava
5 starts » built with heart and humor, no ads, free of charge… and it works :) I can only recommend it! Keep it up, dear developers! ♥ « Erik Maguhn
5 starts » I feel a bit like a kid in a candy store. Everything's colorful and you have to grin all the time. « elemaneum
» What a crap! « XD
5 starts » The. App. Is. Great! « Steffi
5 starts » I'm zero into dating apps, but I like your idea! This is exactly how I'd like to meet people! « Ena
5 starts » the questions are soooo funny. We're crying from laughing so hard 😂👍🏼 « Sanny
5 starts » You feel the development team's thoroughly affirmative view of people and life. « Eichhörnchenrudelboss
5 starts » My friends just love to swipe for me! « zollaradler
5 starts » Great spin on modern dating apps - bringing back the old days of setting up blind dates for your friends! « Conor Mackay
5 starts » Kind of a breath of fresh air and also fun in this whole dating app world. « Pedro F. Gil
5 starts » We downloaded it yesterday and are already hooked 😂 super funny. « KaiserinKaddl
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Matches, profiles, and blindchats

how exactly does it work?

How do you get matches?

On blindmate, friends swipe for each other. You get a match when two cliques agree that their single friends should meet for a coffee.

It’s just like every other dating app: you swipe. The other person swipes. It’s only about looks. Only difference is that you don’t swipe. Neither does the other person. And it’s not only about looks.

Y likes M for C. A likes C for M. C and M get a Match. Simple.

How are profiles created?

You set name, age, location and images yourself. The rest is up to friends. They tell charming and fun stories about you and answer questions about you, which allows us to identify key character attributes for your profile.

You write down your name and spend hours agonising about what to put into your bio. And then you sigh as you realise that your friends have to describe you. Nice.

We apply a highly sophisticated machine learning algorithm parameterised on crowdsourced data to generate data vectors based on user generated content to derive key personality traits of their friends.

What’s a BlindChat?

Once you’ve got a match, you end up in a chat without pictures. The only info you have about each others is that your friends think you match. As you chat, images and profiles are revealed bit by bit.

Imagine you’re using a dating app to get to know people. And then this app coaxes you into actually getting to know people. How awkward!

Account-transgressing message exchanges are first initiated in a double-blind mode. As soon as our server registers the predefined threshold of message-ping-pongs, code progressively unlocks the two-dimensional digital representation of the physiognomy of the counterpart.

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Advantages of blindmate

Tell me why!

No pressure! You know the pressure to put yourself into the best light on dating apps? On blindmate, you can lean back and let your friends handle that.

No more superficial profiles blindmate profiles are authentic, loveable, and honest. Like friends would describe each other.

Time with your friends You know these evenings together with your friends, talking about relationship stuff and discovering new things about each other? This is what blindmate should be!

No stupid pickup lines Imagine, your friends introduce you to somebody. You wouldn’t expect a pickup line – and probably, everybody’s pants would stay on, too.

Help your single friends Even if you’re in a relationship: on blindmate, you can swipe for your single friends to support them. Without having your own dating profile, of course.

FAQ Does the app blindmate cost me anything? No. The app is available for free in the Appstore and Playstore. There are also no hidden costs or subscriptions when using it. Just download and (let) start swiping! In which countries can I use blindmate? Currently only in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. If we could, we would launch in the EU, the world, and on the moon, but that’s a ton of work and servers on the moon are super expensive. We’re working on it and we’ll let you know when we’re ready to launch in other countries. How old do I have to be to use blindmate? blindmate is 18 - 99. So you should be an adult (or at least officially of legal age). Are there more women or men on blindmate? We’re super-lucky to have an almost perfect balance of men and women in our community. Is blindmate open for LGBTQ+ or is it binary only? blindmate is for everybody, of course :D At least, this is our aspiration and if you spot something that doesn’t live up to it, we’ll embrace your feedback! I searched for fakes but didn’t find any. Why? We’re sorry. The process of adding friends and creating each other’s profile makes creating fake accounts a lot of effort. We know that fake profiles are an important part of the dating app experience and are dedicating a lot of work on making blindmate more accessible to fake profiles. How do you make money? Right now – not at all 🤪 We have neither ads nor premium features on blindmate. For full transparency: eventually we want to build premium features that you can get to treat your friends with a few fun extra features. I don’t want to appear on a dating app. Can I still find matches for my single friend? Yes you can! We’ve built blindmate with people like you in mind. When you sign up, your own search and dating profile will not be active by default. Only when you consciously decide that you want dates yourself, you can set up your profile and receive matches. Until then, nobody will see you on blindmate. What do I have to do if I want dates myself? When you want to meet someone through blindmate, you set up your account and send your personal invite-link to your friends. You enter name, age, and location, add your images, and set up who you are looking for. At this part, your friends take over, create the rest of your profile and find matches for you. And as soon as you get the first match, its your turn again. What do I have to do if I want to play cupid for a friend? If you want to find matches for friends but not for yourself, you set up a basic account and invite your single friends. As a matchmaker, you only have to enter a name so that your friends know who you are. No images, no profile info, no social security number. Once your friend has joined, you answer questions about them and find matches for them. Apart from your friend, no other person on blindmate will see your profile. How is my profile created? When you sign up on blindmate, you add your pictures and basic info (name, age, gender, location). Then, your friends create the rest of your profile by answering questions about you. From their answers, blindmate identifies attributes “sportive”, “romantic” or “chaotic”. There also open questions, where your friends can write short texts about you – these stories will be the most charming and fun part of your profile. What if a friend writes bullshit on my profile? What should you know before meeting Paul?
“Paul is stupid … and he only changes his socks every other week or so.”

Yeah, that would suck. However, that wouldn’t happen, in the first place: you choose the friends who can create your profile, and you can trust them to put you in a good light. From time to time they might add a quirk, but its these quirks are that make profiles super fun. And should there ever be bullshit on your profile you can always reach out to us and we’ll remove it.
What type of questions do I answer about my friends? What type of guest is Alex on house parties?
arrives, gets stuffed, leaves - only there to pick up strangers - spends the entire evening doing the dishes - gets slightly drunk and debates all night long - pukes into flower pots
How sportive is Alex?
Gorilla and cheetah in one - horse - scheep - sloth - brick

blindmate has over 200 questions. Some of them come with a number of options, others let you write your own profile. Its a motley mix of question types and answer types to keep it entertaining. Well, and then there’s the one big question: who’s the best match for your friends?
What to do if there’s a problem? You can always reach out to us directly via the support chat if you’ve got questions about the app or a problem. For all other questions about life, death, and the universe you can also reach out via the support chat, however, here we can’t promise that we’ll have all the answers. You can also reach out to team@blindmate.de if you’ve got any problems or questions.

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Who would build such an app?

Anna is a doctor. She is the inventor, heart and soul of blindmate. As a psychotherapist she knows a lot about humans.


Ben is a quantum physicist. He’s probably in front of some screen right now, working on our daily menu of bugs.


Andi is an outdoor-adventure-educator. He helps users in the support chat. He always writes very funny texts. This text was written by Ben.


Media master Magda masterfully makes meticulously measured mockups, magnifically matching many mates. Nice!


Laurenz is a designer. He makes sure that everybody works with full focus, while occasionally interrupting Ben with new feature-ideas.


Betty is a designer and social media manager at Blindmate. She is also responsible for making the rest of the team feel old.

We started blindmate as a hobby project. A lot has happend since, and thanks to an absolutely fantastic community and a few really nice investors, we’re now a growning team.

… or on Instagram @blindmateapp


Find our texts, images, and other free-to-use materials here: Press materials

The easiest way to get in touch with us is via email: team@blindmate.de

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Your data is YOUR data

What data is this about?

Running blindmate creates a lot of data. Some of it you entrust us with directly: profile images, answers about friends, chat messages and so on. However, whenever you use the app there's also a lot of less obvious data: for the app to work, we need to know what phone and what system version you are using. We need to keep track of dates and times to display chats in the right order. We need to record which profiles you've already seen so you don't come across them twice. And so on and so forth …

What do we do with your data?

In short: only what's essential.
Obviously, we have to store and process your profile images and answers to show your profiles and chats. All the other data we need for two purposes only: For the app to work (that's what we need to know your phone and software version for, for example), and to identify issues within the app. That's it.

Yeah, and we know that one can make a lot of money selling data. But we promise, as long as this sentence is here that's not happening. Sure, one day the day might come where we sell blindmate to some company. In which case this text would probably disappear and a new privacy agreement would appear, starting with the headline "We care about your privacy", and nobody would read it … But while we can avoid it that's not happening :).

If you want to support us to maintain our users' privacy, please have a look at our hacker policies.

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